Have you seen the commercial for the new M&M's in dark chocolate? Click HERE and turn up your sound. Its cute!
Coffee Mate Coupons
Friday, May 11, 2007
MMMm LOVE the New M&M's Dark Chocolate
Posted by Mks Kitchen at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: adams family, dark chocolate, mm's
Monday, April 30, 2007
Ahhh on vacation
We left home on Saturday morning around 3:40 am and drove nearly straight through to S.D..
We stopped at the Mississippi River at the Isle of Capri Riverboat Casino and ate supper and played some slot machines. Came out even and had a good time. We slept in a rest area just west of Des Moines IA for a few hours and got into our destination around 11 am.
Have been catching up on sleep and visiting with family and drove around to see how the area changed.
Some things never change, some things never stay the same. The city has grown yet I see so many familar spots and houses where the color of the homes are still the same as when I lived here about 18 yrs ago!
Well we will be here a few days, may blog, may not!
Posted by Mks Kitchen at 2:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: casino, family, south dakota, travel, vacation
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My Romance Hubs
I discovered a cool site which is a community / social networking site of sorts. I have started to post 'hubs' as they call them about romance. Which as you know is my passion! Between my Temptations Parties biz and my new hubs, I am going to be pretty busy! Ack
Posted by Mks Kitchen at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: business, home business, hubpages.com, hubs, romance, temptations parties
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Secret ~ Watch it HERE!
Have you seen this movie yet?
If not, grab a cup of whatever you like, turn the phone ringer off and sit and absorb!
You will want to view it more than once, more like at least 10 times to absorb it fully. And then you may want to view it once a week to keep refreshed!!
It's an amazing yet simple concept that works!
Posted by Mks Kitchen at 9:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: friends, health, love, money, The law of attraction, the secret, wealth
Thursday, March 29, 2007
A Shameless Plug for my other blog!
Posted by Mks Kitchen at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: business, chicken, coffee, cooking, earn income, food, goals, hershey's chocolate, home business, husband, intimacy, learn, recipe, temptations parties
Monday, January 29, 2007
Oh Yay Monday....no really! Yayyyy!!!
I'm glad it's Monday, my Temptations Kit arrives today! Yayyyy
I got my stanley toolbox yesterday but its mostly black and only the locking tabs are yellow so will leave it those colors. Will prob try to get the TP logo on it somehow though.
Spent the weekend doing tax business things such as picking up client paperwork, delivering rapid refund checks, taking calls and making appointments, etc. And working on organizing my TP biz things and learning the product so I'm ready for my parties!
Had a great time babysitting the grandkids on Saturday morning. They are at such fun ages, William is 3 1/2 and Naoma is 17 months. She is going to be a handful when she is older, just like her mom was LOL
Today I'm going to be busy getting Jim's office files organized. Then once my TP kit arrives working on organizing that and learning my manual. My profits from February parties is going towards my new dishwasher. Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Well gotta get more java and get to work!
"The Goddess"

Posted by Mks Kitchen at 8:20 AM 0 comments
Labels: coffee, home business, husband, love, men, party, romance, sex, spouse, temptations parties, wife, women
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Mmmmmmmmmm the coffee is strong and yummy..